
Island Voices Chamber Choir, musical director (2021-present )
Quadra Singers, interim conductor (2021)
The King’s University Chamber Choir, interim conductor (2018-19, 2009)
The King’s University Concert Choir, interim conductor (2019)
Concordia Concert Choir (1994-2008, 2011-12)
Sine Nomine Chamber Choir, founding conductor
(2000-02, 2003-06, 2011-12)
Jubiloso! Bells of Concordia, founding conductor (2002-2010)
Concordia Community Chorus (1994-97, 2011-12)
Concordia Ringers, founding conductor (2000-03)
Da Camera Singers, interim conductor (1996-97, 2002)

Robertson Wesley United Church, interim director of handbell ensembles (Sept-Oct 2019)
Edmonton Metropolitan Chorus Chamber Choir, Music of the Pacific Rim, Edmonton, AB (Sept-Oct 2019)
Massed Ringing, BelleShip, Hong Kong Music Education Association, Hong Kong (March 2018)
Master Massed Ringing, Handbell Discovery, Alberta Guild of English Handbell Ringers, Calgary, AB (Oct 2017)
Festival Choir, International Handbell Symposium, Vancouver, BC (Aug 2016)
Handbell Ringers of Great Britain National Residential Ringing Week, Sheffield, U.K. (July 2013)
Perth-Bunbury International Choral Festival “The Big Mingle”, Bunbury, Australia (Aug 2011)
Handbell Ringers of Japan National Summer Workshop, Hakone, Japan (Aug 2011)
Singspiration Youth Choir, Edmonton, AB (Aug 2011)
Nommensen University Choral Conducting Masterclass, Medan, Indonesia (Apr 2011)
International Handbell Symposium, Osaka, Japan (Aug 2010)
A Festival of Handbell Ringing, Melacca, Malaysia (June 2010)
Hong Kong Asia Handbells Festival, Hong Kong (Apr 2010, Apr 2009)
Classic Bronze Handbell Festival, Edmonton, AB (July 2009, July 2007)
Bells in the Rockies, Colorado Guild of English Handbell Ringers, Keystone, CO (Apr 2009)
Ringing Link, biennial conference of the Handbell Guilds of Canada, London, ON (July 2008)
International Handbell Symposium, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia (Aug 2006)
St. Peter’s Lutheran College Music Department, Indooroopilly, Queensland, Australia (Aug 2006)
The Big Sing, Choralfest (Australian National Choral Association), Hobart, Tasmania, Australia (July 2006)
Cantando Festival, Edmonton, AB (April 2005)
Music Week, Camp Pioneer, Angola, NY (Aug 2003)
Men Making Music, sponsored by four male choirs of Edmonton, AB (Feb 2003, Feb 2000)
Alberta Honour Choir, Alberta Choral Federation (Sept/Oct 1997)

conductor - colourHONOURS
Concordia Concert Choir selected to appear at Alberta Sings Conference Concert (Nov 2004)
Sine Nomine Chamber Choir selected to appear at Alberta Provincial Museum as part of Anno Domini:  Jesus through the Centuries exhibit (Dec 2000)
Concordia Concert Choir selected to appear at EXPO2000, Hannover, Germany (June 2000)
Concordia Concert Choir selected to appear at Alberta Choralfest Spotlight Concert (Mar 2000)
Concordia Concert Choir selected as CBC Radio Competition for Amateur Choirs semi-finalist (Feb 2000)

3, compact disc with Concordia Concert Choir (2002)
O Lord of Life, compact disc with Concordia Concert Choir (1999)
75th anniversary, compact disc with Concordia Concert Choir (1996)
